Several years ago, I had a dream. A dream I’m convinced came from The Lord.
I found myself atop a horse. A mighty beast of grim visage bedecked in barding and banners denoting my house, my circle, and my mission.
I was, it seemed, a knight bearing armor that was stout but worn. Sturdy but scratched and covered in the mud and mire of many battles.
I was riding hard through a dense forest where I could scarcely see a dozen yards yet I’d occasionally glimpse other knights, racing between the tight-packed pines, all of us thundering toward some unknown battle to which we’d been summoned.
Occasionally two or three of us would cross paths in a clearing. We’d salute, knock shields together, then quickly race on with a mighty yawp, glad to relieve the sense of isolation but focused on our goal.
In time, just before the sun would set, I reached the imposing wall of a towering castle. This was our destination and the siege to which we’d be called. We were just outside the gates, barely yards from the imposing rampart, but even under the baleful glares of the city’s watch, our King had set a mighty feast under a massive pavilion festooned with scores of dancing banners. Dozens of knights from many houses were gathered together, which seemed many more than I’d expected…but far too few for the task.
Nonetheless our Lord was joyous and untroubled.
As He raised a cup to toast the gathering the dream melted into mist and I’ve pondered it in my heart these many years.
I believe I now know its meaning.
Imladris is meant to be a small and intimate group of steadfast Christians working in or adjacent to the gaming industry, whether as a designer, a programmer, an actress or an executive, if you're lending your God-given gifts to an Interactive effort, then we're so glad you found us.
Imladris started as a fellowship and an alliance. It is quickly becoming a movement. Imladris is fashioned out of a desire to get connected and stay connected with game makers of a similar heart, to bring unity to previously separated groups, and remove the things that keep us apart like competition, tribalism, and apathy. We are dedicated to joining our brothers and sisters on their walk on a daily basis, not for just a weekend.
If you have a heart to see God's Kingdom in Entertainment, that's enough to offer critical insight into the conversation. Taking a cue from the Council of Elrond, anybody with a stake in the future was involved, but only a few answered the call. Imladris seeks to build a close-knit community and to that end we only invite as many people as can reasonably know one another's names and families. We can't invite everyone we want, much less everyone we know, so we make a list of all the people we know to be Christ-followers and engaged in the arts (especially gaming)-And then we pray.
'Who are you calling Lord?'
'Who's ready Father?'
'Who needs this now God?'
Generally, Christians have approached gaming and other artistic endeavors, if at all, from a product perspective. In one way or another they are asking,
"How do we make a really good Christian game that will change everything?"
We believe this approach is misguided.
Even a wildly successful game made by believers is a drop in the bucket, and not nearly enough to change the industry. A wildly successful studio full of Jesus followers, making millions of dollars over many decades would be a good thing, but it still couldn’t shift the enormous cultural machine that devours talented and sincere creators every single day. To focus on products is to treat a symptom and do nothing for the underlying causes. Imladris believes that only people can make the difference, a vast, multidisciplinary group of dozens that become hundreds that become the thousands of people making decisions across the entire spectrum of creativity. We need to ask different questions.
We believe that God has entrusted each and every believer with the authority of a King or Queen, and given us the responsibility to wield that power justly and appropriately. As the Word says,
“The day is coming when the world is going to stand before a jury made up of followers of Jesus. If someday you are going to rule on the world’s fate, wouldn’t it be a good idea to practice on some of these smaller cases? Why, we’re even going to judge angels! So why not these everyday affairs?”
(1 Corinthians 6:2-3 MSG)
If we were to take that verse to heart, and its advice to practice, then instead of asking questions about products we ought to ask,
“How can we help find, feed, and flourish the people who will change the world?”
Imladris is not about lectures, or training, or motivational topics. Instead, it shares a handful of ideas that God has been speaking to us about and asks for more prayer, more creativity, and more wisdom from the group that gathers each year. Imladris is meant to get all of us thinking strategically about the gaming industry, the people in it, and by extension the larger Sphere of Entertainment. Its purpose is to look past the day’s timely issues and instead to think strategically and for the long-term. Our hope is to pose questions and get us thinking and planning together for a 100-year horizon.
Questions like:
To be fair, Imladris is not for everyone, but for whosoever hears and answers a call in their heart. If you're reading this because you received an invitation and are wondering what it's all about we hope this description has planted a seed in your heart. If you’re considering coming, but aren’t sure what to think, consider a few things:
Someone thinks you just might change the world, and that is not a small thing…
Learn about the Principles of Imladris ->
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--- Imladris '25 is Approaching! Don't miss out! ---
The Imladris retreat may be over but there will be another...
if the Lord tarries, that is.
"Knight in the Woods", "Grizzly Rock", "The Shepherd and His Sheep" and "Fortress"
by Jeremy Adams :
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